Penne Pasta with Artichoke Pesto and Pine Nuts

Did you know that March is National Nutrition Month? The Dietitians of Canada and the American Dietetic Association have each developed their own healthy eating themes. Celebrate Food....... From the Field to the Table - Canada, Eat Right with Color - USA I do believe my penne pasta fits perfectly with both these themes. All of the pasta ingredients were purchased from the PCC, whom provide only local products. I've also used a variety of colorful healthy ingredients. Do you try to buy local ingredients when possible? Do your meals replicate the colors of the rainbow (in other words - lots of fruits and veggies)? I've been perusing through my last few blog posts, which are pretty colorful if I do say so myself. I have noticed a theme though - desserts. I swear, I do eat other things besides cheesecake, cookies, muffins, and carrot cake. This month I am committed to providing you with healthy and delicious meals. I will prove that I do know a thing or two about healthy eating ;)


2 cups dry penne pasta
10 small asparagus spears
1/2 cup green beans
1/2 yellow pepper
2 tbsp artichoke pesto
1/4 cup pine nuts
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 cup shaved parmesan cheese

Bring pasta to a boil and cook until al dente. While pasta is cooking, steam asparagus and green beans. Once steamed, cut them into bite size pieces. Lightly fry the yellow pepper in a small drop of olive oil.

Once the pasta is done, drain and add the pesto, salt, and pepper. Gently toss in the vegetables, pine nuts, and shaved parmesan cheese.

[tip - if you want to avoid the stringy stalk on the end of the asparagus, gently snap off the ends. The asparagus will snap at the appropriate spot.]